Price from 2200 EUR
Spectrum bend čini tri vokala i četiri muzičara koji, svojom beskrajnom energijom, izuzetnim muziciranjem i sjajnim, raznolikim repertoarom, izdvajaju se od konkurencije. Spoju mladih, ali iskusnih i talentovanih muzičara sa izuzetno profesionalnim pristupom donose pravo osveženje na muzičkoj sceni. Njihova svirka i neiscrpna energija podižu atmosferu do usijanja i održavaju je takvom do samog kraja. Poseban akcenat stavljen je na ogroman i šarolik repertoar koji nikoga ne ostavlja ravnodušnim, kao i na neprestanu težnju za usavršavanjem. Angažujte nas za vaše venčanje, krštenje, punoletstvo, klubski događaj! Garantujemo nezaboravnu žurku uz ispunjenje svih vaših očekivanja!
Spectrum band consists of three vocalists and four musicians who, with their boundless energy, exceptional musicianship, and a brilliant, diverse repertoire, stand out from the competition. The blend of young but experienced and talented musicians with an exceptionally professional approach brings a refreshing touch to the music scene. Their performance and inexhaustible energy elevate the atmosphere to a boiling point and keep it that way until the very end. A special emphasis is placed on the extensive and varied repertoire, leaving no one indifferent, as well as a constant pursuit of improvement. Hire us for your wedding, christening, coming of age, club event! We guarantee an unforgettable party that fulfills all your expectations!
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