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Price from 94 EUR

Ušuškana u svoje zelenilo i okružena susednim negovanim vrtovima, MUSE je savršeno mesto da svoje susrete i proslave organizujete i provedete daleko od gradske vreve, kako biste uživali u potpunosti u društvu svojih gostiju.

 Dočekajte svoje goste koktelom, i to pod svodom staklene tavanice u vitražu, sa koje vas sa smeškom posmatraju naše muze. Ukoliko volite da plešete, naša tradicionalna i elegantna svečana sala pod lukovima – biće vaše omiljeno mesto. Odgovor je jednostavan. MUSE je zamišljena za sve one posebne prilike u kojima se slavi život i proslavljaju posebni događaji u njemu – rođendani, krštenja, veridbe, intimne i elegantne ceremonije venčanja i svadbe, otkrivanje pola, porodične i poslovne svečanosti, jubileji, unapređenja, otvaranje novih poslovnih i životnih puteva, kao i oni trenuci u kojima se stvaraju nova ili neguju stara prijateljstva i partnerstva.

 Čak i ako nemate poseban razlog ili povod za proslavu, MUSE je prostor u kojem jednostavno možete slaviti život i sve ono na čemu ste zahvalni u njemu.

 Tri nezavisna prostora:

 - Centralni salon

 Centralni salon sa kaminom, odakle izlazite na terasu sa pogledom koji oduzima dah i sa koje silazite u naš zeleni vrt sa bazenom.

 - Salom pod svodovima

 MUSE tradicionalna i elegantna konoba pod svodovima ušuškana je u donjem nivou kuće, u ravni sa vrtom i direktnim izlazom na njega. Urađena u cigli i dekorisana pažljivo odabranim umetninama, ovaj isprva skriveni dragulj naše kuće savršeno je mesto za otmene degustacije vina, zimske večere uz pucketanje vatre iz raskošnog kamina, kao i nešto opuštenije proslave uz muziku i ples.

 - Dvorište

 Vrt u MUSE kući pravi je dragulj urbanog baštovanstva. Pored negovanih travnjaka, raskošnog stepeništa iz kuće i hlada drveća, vrt krase i elegantni bazen ali, i letnja kuhinja sa profesionalnim prostorom za pripremu pečene hrane.

 Kapacitet: 80 mesta.


 Nestled in its greenery and surrounded by well-kept gardens, MUSE is the perfect place to host your gatherings and celebrations, far from the hustle and bustle of the city, allowing you to fully enjoy the company of your guests.

 Welcome your guests with a cocktail beneath the stained glass dome, where our muses smile down on you. If you enjoy dancing, our traditional and elegant ballroom under the arches will become your favorite spot. The answer is simple. MUSE is designed for those special occasions celebrating life and its significant events – birthdays, baptisms, engagements, intimate and elegant wedding ceremonies and receptions, gender reveals, family and business celebrations, anniversaries, promotions, opening new business and life paths, as well as moments for creating new friendships and nurturing existing ones.

 Even if you don't have a specific reason to celebrate, MUSE is a space where you can simply celebrate life and everything you are grateful for in it.

 Three independent spaces:

 - Central Lounge

 The central lounge with a fireplace, leading out to a breathtaking terrace and descending into our green garden with a pool.

 - Vaulted Hall

 MUSE's traditional and elegant vaulted cellar is nestled on the lower level, level with the garden and with direct access to it. Built in brick and adorned with carefully selected art, this initially hidden gem of our house is the perfect place for refined wine tastings, winter dinners by the crackling fire in the lavish fireplace, and more relaxed celebrations with music and dance.

 - Garden

 The garden at MUSE house is a true gem of urban gardening. In addition to manicured lawns, a grand staircase from the house, and the shade of trees, the garden features an elegant pool and a summer kitchen with a professional space for preparing grilled food.

 Capacity: 80 seats.

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Muse Event House and Garden

Muse Event House and Garden


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